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Online video poker was among the first casino games to be played online - as well as, the very first to be played on any computer. Video poker was available on some of the very first personal computers sold all of the long ago in the late 1970s. Today, the popularity of trusted online gambling [Click Home] video poker is exceeded only by online casino games such as slots and blackjack.

The Origin of Video Poker

Besides being the oldest of the online casino games, poker is probably the most ancient of all card games. The Persian game of nas is quite similar, and was played in present-day Iran by the Medes and Persians as long ago as three thousand years. Historians who study casino games believe that the game of nas came into the United States by way of New Orleans, where it was introduced by Persian sailors during the 1820s.

As New Orleans was the main port of admission to the central and western U.S. for decades, it was inevitable that the game that would one day morph into modern online video poker would spread northward along the Mississippi and to the key river ports of Memphis, Nashville, Louisville, Saint Louis, Kansas City, Davenport and all the way to Minneapolis. From there, poker traveled westward with settlers and eastward along the rails.

Video Poker Today

Video poker has long been a fixture among casino games as well as other brick-and-mortar establishments that allow gambling. Due to Internet technology, card players were actually able to play online video poker against real opponents in real time via Internet Relay Chat, or IRC.

You truly have some choices when playing the cyber version of this venerable card game. You may play against others in virtual card rooms, play against the house, or download versions of online video poker you can play alone for entertainment purposes. Other than the very fact that all facets of play - deals, discards, placing bets, etc. - are executed in a virtual electronic setting conversely, there is really no distinction between online video poker as well as the "real thing."

No Card Sharks Here!

Men and women who run websites which provide online casino games for example video poker understand full well that reputation is everything. Aside from that, the largest online video poker sites are now publicly-traded businesses that must be accountable to shareholders and also the Securities and Exchange Commission. Because of this, online video poker is just one of the cleanest forms of wagering over the internet - a game you may play with trust and confidence.