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Getting rich playing poker online poker (content) or even in the casinos will be an art form or science that can be mastered by many who have a real appreciation for the game and its intricacies'.

It's been often said, "to win at playing poker it's not so much the cards because it is getting in the mind of your opponents". Now you don't have to be a psychologist but at end of the day it's focusing on how to read other poker players that makes the difference between winners and losers.

The question of-course is, how do you're able to know what other players are thinking?

There are various of techniques employed by the better experienced players to mess around with opponent's heads causing them to make more mistakes on the poker tables than they might normally do.

Regular players are simpler to read than the novice, why? the novice is unpredictable, as the regular has developed and acquired similar sets of skills and practices through experience that you may use in a poker game. You learn how to play in certain situations and you know regulars will often be thinking the same way.

Poker may be likened to a game of chess. The great chess players can anticipate their opponent's moves sometimes four or five moves in advance. For every play that his opponent makes the champ already has four or five moves to counter.

Now I recently reviewed a book on poker authored by among the best in the business who gives some excellent examples on how to out think your opponents on the poker tables.

Here is a huge tip when playing against a regular through the same writer:

"Focus about what he thinks you've got and what he thinks you are trying to do and manipulate him with his own thoughts by exploiting them".

Some tips on the habits of bad poker players:

They usually never lay down a draw
They have a ridiculously huge range preflop
They will almost always float on flops then fold to your bets on the turn
They only raise when they actually have something
They're going to play a top pair like it's a royal flush
They're going to overbet the pot once they have a big hand or maybe push whenever they have a big hand.

When playing against a bad poker player, concentrate on their bad habits, like overplaying draws and floating every flop, and exploit those habits, not their thoughts.

In one chapter of this book the writer reveals:

The significance of getting inside of the head of regulars, and exploiting the thought process of those players.
Some great tips on exploiting the bad habits of bad poker players and how you may make a whole lot of extra money as a result.
The power of the chat function and the way you can use it to make bad players go on tilt and provide you alot of money which they would not normally do.
The not so common strategy of showing his cards in certain situations. Often considered not just a good practice, but there are actually some great factors why he does this.
How Exactly To create the proper poker table image as a good strategy to fool your opponents into putting you in a box classification that could not be further from the truth. You don't want your opponents to understand your actual style of play, your habits and betting patterns.
A good technique to figure out the cards your opponent has almost every single time.

Every great poker player has his little secrets, the key to enhancing your game is to pick up the best tips and strategies from the very best two or three poker players on this planet, this may ensure you have all of your bases covered.