Great Fitness Trainer Tips

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Many Americans today feel that having their very own in home fitness trainer is a luxury for all those only that can be rich and famous. We all realize that celebrities like Oprah and Madonna have a fitness trainer yet we rarely stop to think how affordable in home fitness training really is or that we too can have a great trainer that will get exceptional results. We succumb to the concept that a workout DVD or a fitness book will whip us into shape while patting ourselves on the back for the money we think we saved, but our fitness goals never are reached and also the book simply is added to the shelf. Worse yet, we may have spent several thousand dollars on a treadmill that we never use except for hanging clothes as we run out of hanger space. The key component we miss is that hiring an in home fitness trainer with the right company shall in fact save us money and obtain measurable results.

These 5 key components are certain to get you results, teach you how to work out, and eat right while saving thousands of dollars over the course of per year. An in home fitness trainer with some large companies can cost as low as $35.99 per session.

An in home fitness trainer comes to you, at your house, and on your time. For one price, they bring the equipment while providing you an outstanding one-hour workout. By hiring an in home personal trainer, you forego the expensive 1 year contract of a monthly gym membership, the initial enrollment fee, and the added expense of hiring their on-site trainer. Lots of people believe that it might be less expensive to join a local work out center, but in all reality, it's actually higher priced. Just think 10 sessions with an in home fitness trainer at a discounted price may be as low as a mere $35.99 per session. Memberships at several of the well-known national gym chains can run a new member a huge $299 enrollment fee plus $45 a month on a one-year contract for a total of $839. Primarily, this is without the expense of having a fitness trainer to meet your goals. If you factor that in also at $65 per session for 10 sessions, you wind up paying a whopping $1489.00. For that price, you may have an in home fitness trainer for 37 sessions.

By having an in home fitness trainer, you don't need to spend cash on equipment that generally doesn't work. A lot of us watch those shopping channels on tv to order the-latest craze equipment that we expect to get us fit and it simply sits under the bed or collects dust in a corner. Even worse, for some of us the treadmill we used once becomes a clothing rack and storage unit. Save money and space by having an in home fitness trainer come to you, bring all the equipment, and once they are done leave with it. No more need to store expensive pieces of bulky equipment that you're going to never use, because they can show you the best way to get a highly effective workout with just a stability ball and a few bands. The Nordic Track treadmill T7, which retails for $799, prices as a "mid range" treadmill without the special features. Why will you pay almost $800 to "go walking" whenever you could get 20 sessions with an in home fitness trainer for almost that same price? When did it cost to go walking anyway?

Driving to the gym, sitting in traffic, and driving back spends gas and wastes precious time. The normal American lives 10 miles from a local fitness center or gym and if you factor in the cost of driving to the gym, sitting in long traffic and driving home after a workout, it's still cheaper to hire a fitness trainer to come to your house and provide the service for you. In accordance with the average of 20 miles to and from the gym and while gas could cost you, on average $2.50 per gallon, it may well cost almost $3 roundtrip each time. If you go 3 days every week, over the period of one year, it will cost about $468.

An in home fitness trainer will teach you how you can eat healthy and much less expensive. Lots of people believe that it means that it is important to go on a strict diet which could potentially make you unhappy with a starving feeling all of the time. Some individuals think it means buying expensive prepackaged meal plans, shakes and assorted items from a magical slimming list. An in home fitness trainer can teach you just how to visit a fast food drive through, whenever you have to, leave full, satisfied and healthy for an affordable price. The average shake is $7.00 and pre packaged food runs upwards of $13.00 a meal. If you like to cook at home, an in home fitness trainer can even go to the supermarket with you and teach you the way to purchase food that is more healthy and within budget. Today's American culture reaches for food that is fast, easy to make, and usually from a box, can, or jar which is packed with fat, salt, calories, and nutrition coaching services - image source - sugar. An in home fitness trainer will help you make solid healthy food choices while reducing your weekly grocery bill. A couple of trips through an in home fitness trainer to the grocery store can save you thousands of dollars on your food bill per year.

It really is hard to find reliable daycare at an affordable price when you want to work out. Daycare at the gym, which may be staffed with a few teenagers, has relatively no experience with children. By having a fitness trainer come to you, your child is safe within your reach as well as you can work out with no stress or additional cost. If you hire a local babysitter at $7 by the hour to watch your child and you go the gym for an hour with adding in travel time, you may pay the average of $42 every week that equals $2184.00 per year. You could have 60 sessions with a fitness trainer while not leaving your child with a stranger at the exact same time.