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I got my period like 2 weeks after except it wasnt my period. It was like dark brown discharge that looked like a skid mark on my pants. I didnt think anything of it until a week later when it became more like a black/brown clot and then two days later I got my period. Porn star icon Tabitha Stevens embarks on a journey to recover her sanity after wrestling with the hypocrisy of the anti porn crusaders who condemn her, discovering that these lawyers, politicians and priests are far more twisted than the sex Toys for couples business could ever be. Their wicked deeds send Tabitha on a personal vision quest fraught with sexual illusions and wildly erotic dream states that turn her into a sexual warrior. Armed with her new power, she's ready to take down the establishment that drove her to the brink of insanity, and prove that there's nothing evil about a beautiful woman who simply loves wholesale sex toys..

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