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You may need to buy gifts for the holidays and also you need to buy them quickly. You may either brave the madness of shopping at the local mall or kick back at home and buy all your gifts online. Doing your holiday shopping online may be a great way to save time while you find the right gifts at the top price. You definitely will skip the parking lot wars, avoid getting the flu from your fellow shoppers, and stay out of pick-pockets' crosshairs. But though it may be easy and convenient to shop in your pajamas, you still have to do precautions to make sure your electronic 'purse strings' are secure and safe. Below are a few simple tips for safe online shopping:

Secure your computer. Ensure your house computer has updated security software installed, and run regular system check to keep hackers' keylogging viruses away.

ONLY shop from home. Do not do your shopping on-line from the local café, the airport or any other public places. These open networks are easier targets for identity thieves to hack into your computer. Only shop from your secured home network.

Click carefully. Your favorite store just sent you a good coupon! But wait! Before you decide to click on email links, be sure of where they lead. Scam emails can look just like the real ones through your favorite stores, with links that appear to take you to legitimate sites. But hover over the link and also you may see an alternative web address - this might be a fake site, designed to gather your credit-card information for fraud. Your safest bet is to manually navigate to your favorite retailer's website.

Know thy merchant. One of best parts of online shopping is conveniently comparing prices to seek out a great deal. You may find the gift you want for half the cost - but make sure the merchant is reputable and dependable. If you haven't done business with a merchant before, look for online reviews. Using aggregators like and Yahoo Shopping is yet another good consumer electronics (mouse click the following web page) way to ensure your merchant does not take you for a fraudulent sleigh ride.

Lock down your web page. When you visit a retailer's website, look for "https" at the beginning of the URL. This "s" - together with a small gold lock in the lower-right corner of your browser - indicates an extra level of security for your shopping online.

Log out. Always logout securely when leaving a website.

Check if your payment details are stored. Some shopping on-line sites ask if you want to store your payment details for future purchases. It's always handy to have your information stored, especially if you use that site often. Yet, watch out due to this on lesser-known web pages.

Compare 'real' prices. Make certain you know the amount you will be charged for shipping, and if you will find any taxes or fees that may be added to your online purchase. These 'extras' can add up quickly, so be sure you include them when comparison shopping. Many retailers offer free shipping around the holidays, as well as others allow free in-store pick-up of your online purchases - easy ways to add extra savings to your holiday shopping.

Know the Return Policy. Read the merchant's return policy before making your purchase. Among the downsides of shopping on-line will be the inability to 'try it on' or see the item before purchasing, so ensure your merchant offers you a very easy way to return/refund your purchase if it isn't what you expected.

Choose Credit - not Debit. If possible, employ a bank card to pay for online purchases. Federal law limits your liability to $50 within the event of fraud. Better still, many credit card companies will waive this liability, and offer advanced fraud protection and detection programs to keep you safe.

Keep an eye out. In case you are doing a great deal of shopping online, ensure to check your account and card statements regularly to verify all charges. Should you have questions regarding a transaction or suspect fraud, call your financial institution immediately.

Save your Receipts! Just as with in-store shopping, you are going to want to save all your receipts from shopping on-line. You may choose to save emailed receipts on your computer, or print them out and file with other receipts.