Web Design 3.0: When Your Web Design Really Matters

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We love web design, and it is our ardour. Web design is a part of our life. Since 2000, we've watched what is happening in the web design world day by day. We are concerned within the web design process, and there have been millions of internet pages designed with our energetic participation.

In the image under, now we have coloured every stage and added years to the timeline. The primary websites had been text-based. And it is hard to say that they had any web design. Later, there was the transition to Web Design 1.0. Some graphical parts appeared on websites, AG视讯接口 which grew to become more attractive. Web pages bought tables.

It would seem that everyone must be blissful: internet designers, internet developers, and customers. However, there was a brand new problem. Web designers started to ask one query: "Is Web Design useless?". You'll find articles asking the identical question on all known platforms, such are Medium, Mashable, SmashingMagazine, Quora, and Reddit. Since 2015, internet designers have been asking the identical query. In the image beneath you'll be able to see the Google search results for this phrase.